Finally, make space to write — with *real* accountability and flexibility.

Receive ongoing inspiration, coaching, and feedback on your copy in a safe space.

This is for entrepreneurs and creatives who want to practice their writing in real time, find their voice naturally, *and* get their creative spark back!

Together, we'll create consistent writing rituals and help you become the most confident and compelling storyteller you can be.

Finally, make space to write — with *real* accountability and flexibility.

  • Share more personal stories with ease in your business (because you'd be so seasoned at doing it regularly)

  • Stay top of mind for your audience at all times (because they love having a peek into your world)

  • Sell your stuff without feeling icky about it (because you'd know how to connect the dots between your stories and offers)

  • Ideate new offers with a revived creative spirit (because you'd always be plugging into a source of inspiration)

  • Get "in the zone" any time you want to create a newsletter, Substack post or want to just vent and journal (how great would THAT be??)

If you started writing consistently with a mentor that holds you accountable, then you could... 

And despite drinking in *all* of the:

  • Copywriting courses
  • Free webinars
  • Emails from marketers you adore
  • Podcast interviews

NONE of it feels like *enough* to make you feel like you're doing things "right".

Along the way, you end up writing just to market your stuff, or when you *have* to, and then it just feels

So when it's time to write something fun, without any pressure? You don't enjoy it. You can't get into the zone. You curse Google Docs.

Instead, you:

  • Second-guess your emails before sending them (and then you put them off completely... And then you freak out about ghosting your list... The cycle repeats.)
  • Wonder if your writing voice sounds too stiff or "professional" (especially if your line of work is super factual and hard to write about in an "interesting" way to begin with)
  • Procrastinate on ideas for creative writing projects of your own, but there's no real urgency, right? (*Ahem* that Substack isn't gonna start itself)


I mean, sure: finding the inspiration, motivation, excitement and stories to tell is totally possible in creative bursts here and there on your own...

... But it's all challenging to maintain without hitting a wall at some point.

In short, writing can often feel like a task, or hard to make time for — even though you know it's important.

Let's change that!

Somewhere along the way, writing started to feel like a *yawn* job, chore or simply a means to an end ( sales).

After a decade of being a copywriter, working with the leading brands in the online industry, and now, working a book — I've found that the answer to writing with more joy and ease is simple:

When you write with accountability *and* direct, personalized feedback (the kind where you get to bring your true voice and stories to the surface!)...

... You become a *better* writer. Your creativity skyrockets. Your business flourishes as a whole. And your audience gets addicted to your stories.

But piecemealing courses and testing out storytelling here and there doesn't cut it.

  • You need guidance from someone who actually cares and knows your voice and your business well enough to nudge you beyond your creative limits.
  • You need constant inspiration to open up new tabs in your brain and experiment with fresh angles, ideas, outlets and strategies.
  • You need the eyes of a writer (and seasoned business strategist) who knows exactly what makes stories stick so you can practice doing the same, over and over, with their feedback levelling up your storytelling game each time.

That's me.

Call me a sappy copy romantic, but I believe that you deserve to feel safe, excited, and confident when you share your words with the world. 

I'm the type of guide who remembers your name, your weird hobbies, your pets and your kids — and I *also* know what's working in the online business world.

That means I catch onto your voice quickly, and I know how to help you make your mark — because I care.

Before the Tide Pool, I was expressing myself creatively and communicating through my writing, but it wasn't always landing like I hoped it would.

Now, the ideas and words flow, and my audience feels it. I'm stretching myself creatively, and my writing is improving as a result! My audience regularly tells me now that they *always* open my newsletter because they think I do a good job sharing my unique voice and storytelling... And that it's one of the few emails in their inbox that they read through fully.
I genuinely look forward to our co-writing calls twice a month. They're so restorative and juicy.

I just love being in Zafira's world and I'm so glad I took the plunge!

— Nathalie Daudet

"My ideas and words flow now — and my audience feels it."


Kick your shoes off.
sink your toes into the sanD.
wade into…

A creative writing program for folks who want to strengthen their voice, commit to a consistent writing practice, and express themselves with confidence.

I enjoyed being in Zafira's Tide Pool and LOVED learning to incorporate more sensory storytelling into my writing. Working with Zafira is always a treat, and I know the experience will always exceed my expectations because she goes above and beyond anyone I know.

Zafira brought my writing skills to life by helping me incorporate more emotion, feeling, and senses into my writing. Now when people to me they LOVE reading my emails, I believe them. Working with Zafira always feels like a gift.


"Now, people tell me they LOVE reading my emails!"

Carve out the time you need to write *anything* — your next email to your list, your book, your upcoming blog post — this is your space.

YOU can finally:

Master the art of sensory writing with cues and prompts from Zafira (some say it’s my specialty!).


Turn writing into a sacred ritual that feels non-negotiable, instead of something you dread.

Have the opportunity to share your work in a safe space in a private group of creatives (because a second set of eyes is always great, right?).

Focus on writing without interruptions, distractions, or doom scrolling.

Cultivate the confidence to speak your truth and be known for it.

Want to anchor yourself into this corner of the ocean internet?

*Ahem* indulge the ocean fangirl in me for a moment — did you know that… 

  • Tide pool habitats are as diverse as rainforests?
  • Each creature in a tide pool is intimately connected to the others?
  • Animals in tide pools have to be equipped to handle constantly changing environments?

And most of all — tide pools protect their creatures and keep them alive in the worst of conditions?

That’s exactly what I hope to cultivate inside this program:

Diversity of stories. Connections between each human vulnerable enough to show up and write. Support to weather any season of life and still find the inspiration to create. A lifeline for when it feels easy to give up on your practice and return to ritual.

Sounds like your type of pool party? 🌊

Hold up a sec — I don't swim, Zafira... 


Why the heck is it called The Tide Pool?

As a writer, I wanted a space where I could exercise my creative genius without feeling burdened by metrics or business expectations. The Tide Pool delivers.

I love having the option to write in a group, and the resources to write on my own. I also really appreciate the opportunity to pick Zafira's brain, and to connect with other writers in a creative space that feels so intimate and safe.

Zafira may not say you'll become a better writer; but as a program participant, I can guarantee you will become a better writer. That's just the way it is. Do it!


"I can guarantee you will become a better writer."

Zafira creates a warm and inviting space online for me to show up and do my writing practice. I understand the value of having a regular circle that helps you stay motivated and show up for yourself — but it's a challenge to find the right blend of people, times that work for my schedule, and a supportive (rather than critical and competitive) group.

Zafira does such a lovely job of combining all three so I look forward to taking that time to show up for myself. The reality is this: the more you write, the better and easier the writing gets. This is a great way to give yourself that support!


"The more you write, the better you'll get."

  • At the start of each month, you’ll receive a bundle of writing prompts to pull from *whenever* you’re facing writer’s block, or want to challenge yourself to create. 
  • Zafira will customize this bundle of prompts each month so that it's tailored for the exact season of life we’re in — to ensure you're writing for the moment, staying relevant and inspired by our current environment. 
  • Twice a month, carve out an hour to write — live, in the best company! 
  • Zafira will lead the session with a writing ritual and dive in with a surprise prompt, curated just for the group. Head down, tabs closed, distraction-free space to do your best work. 
  • We’ll alternate between writing for work and pleasure.

So, what *exactly* is included?

Warm Dips

Cold Plunges



  • Every quarter, we'll come together digitally to supercharge our creativity with fun practices, amazing workshops and space to do your best work.
  • Keep your creative spirit alive and participate in quarterly retreats where you get even *more* support to become a compelling writer!
  • P.S. Members also get first dibs + discounted access to Zafira's in-person writing retreats, coming soon.

Quarterly Creative Retreats

STAY INSPIRED & CONNECTED to your practice

  • After our live writing sessions, stick around and share your raw work. Why? 
  • Reading your writing out loud helps you workshop it live — by understanding what parts resonate with a group, how your message lands and most importantly — how it feels.
  • Zafira will share her direct feedback, suggestions and opportunities for you to enrich your work in this live session!

Float Sessions


The Tide Pool is a creative writing commitment to bring you home to your voice.  And since your Story Giver (moi) is a Virgo and a minimalist...

There’s a simple method to the magic!


  • Every month, you'll have an opportunity to submit a completed piece to Zafira for personalized copy edits.
  • Zafira will support you in highlighting areas to improve, optimize and heighten sensory details in your work along the way!

Copy Critiques


If you’re yearning for a space to express and develop your written voice in a judgement-free and calming zone - look no further than Zafira’s Tide Pool. It’s so refreshing to be unattached to the outcome and to practice enjoying the process of writing for the first time (or again). 

Not to mention, there’s incredible value with having insights into Zafira's own processes and how she applies sensory storytelling in her own work!


"It's SO refreshing."

Create a writing ritual you'll fall in love with. Write just for you, or your biz.


I fell in love with writing again.

"The Tide Pool helped me fall in love with writing again! I just had to show up and write to the prompts. Listening to Zafira's writing tantalized my senses and as we kept going, I was inspired by the writing of others in our group, just as my own writing started improving. There was less trying, just showing up consistently in a fun way. It felt good to be working on the writing piece of my business that is important but not so drab or a necessary evil that I wanted to push it away."

SHRUTEE loved the simplicity...


Learn from the best in the business: Zafira.

"If you want to find your writing voice so you can optimize your emails and communications with your clients, this is THE program to be apart of. Learn from the best in the business, Zafira Rajan, and be part of a supportive community of likeminded entrepreneurs."


I've gotten so much better.

"Zafira's ability to write sparkling, imaginative copy on the fly begins to rub off — even for someone who didn't think she could write. I've gotten so much better."


I'm Zafira, your new writing partner.

If you’re reading this, chances are you've had a taste of my writing or private podcast before... And you know how much I love sharing meaningful stories.

Besides writing for *many* of the titans in the online business world for over a decade (seriously, I can slip into the voice of any personality — it's my superpower)...

... I’m also known for teaching and serving others with personality-driven copy that connects humans to their hearts and senses; and for treating writing as an easeful, empowering process. 

(Oh, and for being *that* wild person who dives into the ocean in the dead of winter.)

What you *might* not know is that finding the space to let my own voice flourish — free of clients, sales pages, and emails — took TONS of discipline, time, and direct feedback from mentors who prioritized my creativity above all else.

IN CASE WE HAven't met *OFFICIAlLy*...

When I committed to writing as a ritual...

Here’s what happened instead:

  • I prioritized a dream on my to-do list forever: writing a book, with the goal to land a book deal within the next year
  • I could immediately spot the day-to-day story opportunities to share with my audience effortlessly (and segue into sales for my business)
  • I found greater clarity, healing, and ease in how I expressed myself — to loved ones and to my customers

In a seashell (too many ocean puns?), writing just for *me* brought me home. 

The Tide Pool is rooted in the practices, rituals, and routines that I've personally tried, tested *and* have been proven to encourage momentum and creativity.

(Has living a minute from the ocean and embracing real cold plunges helped integrate ALL of it? YES. Yes it has!)

Most importantly — it's a *space* that's held just for you to do your most creative work. 

Time and time again, my community members have expressed how the containers I've created allowed them to fully take up space (without overwhelming it), open up, and just be themselves. 

That's what I want for YOU.

Space to explore your writing voice and stories you're itching to tell

Inspiration and motivation to write fearlessly and creatively, without being attached to an outcome

Accountability to truly carve out the time to stick to a writing practice and keep that muscle warm and engaged

Opportunities to share your work in a safe space, receive direct feedback and be uplifted by others doing the same

Personalized writing prompts and support when you're feeling stuck in your business

An intimate writing community that lets your true voice flourish

🐚 This is your personal invite to jump in with me if you’re craving:


Whether you come into The Tide Pool to prioritize your written voice in your business or just for you... 

You’ll find a home for it here.

Dive in,

I struggled with how to "show things" more than "tell" in my writing, and I knew my work as a copywriter would improve if I leaned into my creativity. It's hard to carve out the time to explore that by yourself! The Tide Pool helped me introduce more sensory elements to my writing with a daily writing ritual that I'm actually sticking to.

Zafira's genius way of bringing more vivid details to your business writing improved my writing tenfold. I'm booked out for the next two months because people come to me now for the personality and specificity I bring to their copy. Zafira's coaching and gentle nudges within this group have gotten me to this place as a writer.


"My writing has improved... Tenfold."

My Guarantee

The Tide Pool is a is a rolling quarterly program. Creative practices take time to develop, so please join only if you're willing to commit to yours.

If you wish to cancel your enrolment in the program before the next quarter, reach out to our team at least 1 week before your next billing cycle and we'll cancel your renewal.


This is for you if:


YOU'RE UNWILLING TO try NEW HABITS for longer than 3 months

you're looking for ongoing feedback on your copy

You don't THINK writing just for yourself IS A PRIORITY


It's probably not for you if...


writing is WAYYY better...

when you don't have to do it alone. 

How will I access content for the program?

You'll be granted access to our course platform Podia as soon as you join! We'll host any valuable resources you need right there.

Still got questions?

Great! I've got answers.

What if I can't make the live calls?

No fear! You'll still get access to the surprise prompts after the call wraps up, and the recordings.

How do you accept payment for the program?

All major credit cards are accepted. If you need to pay with an alternate method though, we’ll figure it out!

How many spots are available? Am I a good fit?

The Tide Pool is limited to 30 members total, and spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

My priority is always to create a close, connected and collaborative community that values supporting each other. Whether you're an entrepreneur, working a 9-5 or a fellow writer — as long as you're itching to write and tell more stories, you'll be in good company here.

What timezone will our live calls be in?

Our live co-writing calls take place every other Tuesday at 10AM PST and 1.30 PM PST Join us for both times or pick the best one for your timezone!

Will you edit my work for me?

Besides tapping into our collective group, I'll provide high-level feedback (if needed) during our live calls! I'll also offer opportunities to submit your work every month to receive personalized edits.

I still have questions! How do I get in touch with you?

Just email and I’ll be happy to answer any additional questions you might have!

Can I cancel if I don't like it?

The Tide Pool is a rolling quarterly program. Please join only if you're committed to showing up for yourself over the next quarter. If you decide that The Tide Pool isn’t a good fit at the end of your quarter, reach out to to let me know why. If I can’t help you resolve the issue, I'll cancel your enrolment before your renewal date.

(P.S. Know that I may also ask for additional information and feedback so I can continue improving and upgrading the program, in the event that this happens.) 

  • At the start of each month, you’ll receive a bundle of writing prompts to pull from *whenever* you’re facing writer’s block, or want to challenge yourself to create. 
  • Zafira will customize this bundle of prompts each month so that it's tailored for the exact season of life we’re in — to ensure you're writing for the moment, staying relevant and inspired by our current environment. 
  • Twice a month, carve out an hour to write — live, in the best company! 
  • Zafira will lead the session with a writing ritual and dive in with a surprise prompt, curated just for the group. Head down, tabs closed, distraction-free space to do your best work. 
  • We’ll alternate between writing for work and pleasure.

A recap for the folks who scroll to the end....

Warm Dips

Cold Plunges



  • Every quarter, we'll come together digitally to supercharge our creativity with fun practices, amazing workshops and space to do your best work.
  • Keep your creative spirit alive and participate in quarterly retreats where you get even *more* support to become a compelling writer!
  • P.S. Members also get first dibs + discounted access to Zafira's in-person writing retreats, coming soon.

Quarterly Creative Retreats

STAY INSPIRED & CONNECTED to your practice

  • After our live writing sessions, stick around and share your raw work. Why? 
  • Reading your writing out loud helps you workshop it live — by understanding what parts resonate with a group, how your message lands and most importantly — how it feels.
  • Zafira will share her direct feedback, suggestions and opportunities for you to enrich your work in this live session!

Float Sessions


The Tide Pool is a creative writing commitment to bring you home to your voice.  And since your Story Giver (moi) is a Virgo and a minimalist...

There’s a simple method to the magic!


  • Every month, you'll have an opportunity to submit a completed piece to Zafira for personalized copy edits.
  • Zafira will support you in highlighting areas to improve, optimize and heighten sensory details in your work along the way!

Copy Critiques


In a world where we are told to learn how to write for others, this is an experience where you write for yourself.  And guess what? When you do that, you share your deepest experiences and you create deeper connections with others. You connect with people who really get you — all parts of you. Learning how to do that is what Zafira has mastered over the years.

I usually process better when I speak, and now to be able to do that with writing feels empowering. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested processing their emotions through writing or wants to attract quality clients who resonate with their real selves!


"If you care about quality over quantity, The Tide Pool is for you."

My Guarantee

The Tide Pool is a rolling quarterly program. Creative practices take time to develop, so please join only if you're willing to commit to yours.

If you wish to cancel your enrolment in the program before the next quarter, reach out to our team at least 1 week before your next billing cycle and we'll cancel your renewal.